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Re: [newtech-1] Mobile Dev Preparation Advice

From: Aurelien L.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 23, 2016, 2:01 PM
Hi Jeffrey,

My personal opinion always try to build an in-house tech team. Even with the best agency in the world you will not have the flexibility required for your start-up.

Best of luck. Seems like a great idea and project


On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 1:34 PM, Jeffrey Dobin <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi Tech Fam: My ASK is below.  First, here's some context:

My goal is to make it easy to help others. I've tested an idea, created a very basic/non-technical MVP, found paying customers, spoke to hundreds of people and learned a ton in the process. I've focused in on one specific niche: helping people experience authentic neighborhood culture.


The ProblemThere's no easy way to ask locals for advice. Tourists' time is limited, the internet is too noisy and hotels leave them feeling disconnected from real local culture.


Our Solution allows users to instantly connect to locals to plan authentic travel experiences. There are a number of companies trying to solve this problem (unsuccessfully) but we have a unique approach that millennials love.

I've sketched out the various app screens and flow, and written a detailed document explaining each page and the functionality.

Here's my ASK: 

As a non-technical founder, what do I need to prepare to save time and money before either  

1) outsourcing this to a mobile dev shop; or

2) hiring a CTO/co-founder to build/manage product?

Follow-up: which option above is best?

Any suggestions/recommendations/advice would be appreciated.  Thanks so much!

- Jeffrey

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