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Privacy Advocate

From: Tom L.
Sent on: Thursday, November 26, 2009, 12:44 AM Inc., a N.Y.S. not-for-profit, is leading the effort to develop the .nyc TLD - like .com and .org but just for New York City - as  a public interest resource. We see a thoughtfully developed .nyc providing a digital infrastructure upon which we can build a more creative, prosperous, and livable city.


Part of our mission is to educate residents about traditional security and privacy threats - viruses, adware, spam, etc., and new threats that might arise with the operation of the .nyc domain name registry and its database of accessed sites.


While we?d like to think of our effort as being all good, the reality is that a more comprehensive Internet increases the potential for encroachments to our personal space ? our privacy. And while I?m all in favor of a more open and transparent world, especially as far as government is concerned, too much O+T raises the specter of our every action being recorded - the norm for things digital -  and coming back to haunt us. The prospect of this omnipresent recording will reduce our freedom to explore and express.


At November?s Dorkbot meeting, Julia Burns made a presentation about privacy that inspired me to initiate a long overdue effort to locate a privacy advocate to review and report on how we might add appropriate privacy guidelines and code into the .nyc TLD's planning and operation. 


We?re searching for someone with insight into the values privacy provides to look deeply into the closely networked city the .nyc TLD will help create, to find potential privacy violations and recommend alternatives or precautions. The advocate?s findings will form the basis for significant sections of our privacy education campaign.


This is a challenging and important (but unsalaried) position. We're looking for someone who can examine the "privacy - get over it" viewpoint with today's realities. If you feel yourself a match for the task, contact the undersigned.




Tom Lowenhaupt



Thomas Lowenhaupt, Founder and Chair Inc.

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Jackson Hts., NYC 11372

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