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New Meeting: New Member Party

From: Sue
Sent on: Friday, April 11, 2008, 10:48 AM
Announcing a new meeting for Sitzmark Ski & Social Club!

What: New Member Party

When: Saturday, April 12, 7:00 PM

Meeting fee: USD5.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: If you would like to meet some of the regular members of the Sitzmark group and check some of the events/trips available, that I haven't gotten on this site yet come on over.

Why: Come and meet members from the regular Sitzmark group and some of the events they have. I haven't had time to get those events on the MeetUp site and this will give you a head's up of upcoming things that you can join in on.

Meeting Description: Time: 7:00 pm for new members and 7:45 Pm for longstanding members.
Cost: FREE for new 2007 - 08 members and $5 for non-members
Details: Come and meet new members, trip/event leaders, socialize with some oldies and bring some friends! Complimentary appetizers will be served at 7:45 pm, cocktails are on your own. Bring yourself and a friend or two. If any of you end up joining the regular Sitzmark group you can $5 off membership. Several membership options are available - $15 for summer only; $35 for summer and fall membership through Oct 31, 2009, and FREE membership for signing up for one of their Winter Ski trips. With the weather we're having lately one just can't stop thinking about winter now can we?!

RSVP:Please RSVP to [address removed] if you can make it or just reply to this email. We would like to get an accurate idea of how many can make it so we don't run out of food. That's very important you know. smile
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