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Pug Meetup Survey Results ...

From: Dan C.
Sent on: Monday, September 3, 2012, 6:02 PM

First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who filled out the short 7 question survey I e-mailed out the other day. Here are the results so far ...

1. In general, when is the best time of day to have PUG meetups for you?

Morning (8 am -12 pm) - 38.1% 16 people
Mid-Day (12 pm - 4 pm) - 33.3% 14 people
Late Afternoon (4 pm - sunset) - 28.6% 12 people

This surprised me somewhat in that it was almost equal across the board. From this we will continue to have meetups at various times throughout the day (some morning meetups, some mid-day meetups, and some late afternoon meetups).

2. What days work best for you?

The majority of people (75%) said that weekends work best for them. There were others who can only make it out on Saturdays and others who can only make it out on Sundays. From this we will try to not have the majority of meetups occur on Saturdays, and have an equal number of meetups occur on Sundays. Also late afternoon weekday meetups will be scheduled from time to time to accommodate others.

3. How often would you like PUG meetups to be?

80% of those surveyed think one or two meetups a month is good. The other 20% think weekly or even multiple meetups in a week is better. From this we will try to have at least 2 meetups a month.

4. What part of town is most convenient for you to attend PUG meetups?

The majority of those surveyed said DT,Coastal, and Central-Inland San Diego works best for them. However, there were still enough responses from North County and East County to warrant meetups there. From this we will schedule meetups in North County and East County from time to time.

5. What do you like MOST about PUG meetups?

Most people said "There's nothing better than seeing a whole pack of pugs playing with one another." It's hard to argue with that, but there were those of you who valued the interaction with the other pug owners more. This question was more for fun, it doesn't really help out with planning future pug meetups. It just tells me how pug crazy everyone is. =)

6. How far would you be willing to travel to a PUG meetup? (one way)

This question somewhat surprised me. More than half of those surveyed didn't want to have to travel more than 10 miles. That didn't surprise me, but 30% were willing to travel 25 miles and 6 people were willing to travel 50 miles on occasion for a meetup. From this we will try to have meetups throughout the county during the year so the commute isn't always long for the same person.

7. Would you be interested in a PUG meetup at a dog friendly restaurant?
A whopping 75% of those surveyed like the idea of a PUG meetup at a dog friendly restaurant. From this we will be scheduling restaurant meetups from time to time. Look for one being scheduled soon. =)

Thanks again for helping us plan future pug meetups, it's greatly appreciated !!!

- Dan


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