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Tonight's REAPS Meeting

From: Angelique
Sent on: Thursday, April 24, 2014, 10:43 AM

Here is the agenda for tonight's meeting at the Bellevue Red Lion Inn. Hope to see you there!


6:00pm - Doors Open - Evergreen/Hunts Room

6:00pm - 7:00pm - Networking Hour - Evergreen/Hunts Room

6:15pm - Scott Meyers Q and A - Medina Room

6:45pm - Orientation with Wendy - Medina Room

7:00pm - Main meeting begins - Evergreen Hunts Room



Scott Meyers April 24 | Think Commercial Real Estate is unattainable, THINK AGAIN! how you can own a cash flowing, maintenance free, tenant free, Cash Cow for less than the cost of your typical Single Family Rental tomorrow night at our REAPS meeting in Bellevue. Details and registration.


Converting Commercial to Self-Storage | April 26 to Find and Convert Unwanted Commercial Properties to Storage (and refer deals for 5 - Figure Profits) full-Saturday training. Attendees will receive valuable training devoted to help you learn numerous little known strategies in Self Storage investing while developing the foundation to become successful and profitable investors. Seats are limited. Details and registration.



Members get 2% back from all Home Depot purchases. To set up your account members can call[masked], option 4.


Katherine Swanberg


Real Estate Association of Puget Sound

[masked] (direct)

[masked] (fax)

227 Bellevue Way NE #718
Bellevue, WA  98004


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