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Tea Party 2011!!! Last big moneybomb before Iowa and New Hampshire!

From: user 4.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 23, 2011, 5:15 PM
We set a fundraising record on Dec. 16, 2007, the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, raising over $6,000,000 in one day! Establishment favorite and media darling Mitt Romney has beaten this record by raising $10.25 million in one day, on May 16, 2011.
Can we beat Romney's fundraising record? Can we establish the finances for Ron Paul's campaign to bypass the establishment media's blackout and continue the American Revolution?! With polls now showing that Congressman Paul is tied for 1st place in Iowa, and in 2nd place in New Hampshire, this is the time to make your most generous donation to help the campaign run ads in these two key early battle ground states! The television ads this time around are much better than what the 2008 campaign offered, and I believe the 2012 campaign is much better organized; in addition, Ron Paul now has a stronger showing in the polls than he did four years ago!
Please pledge to make your most generous donation on Dec. 16, 2011:
Also, please check out the Revolution PAC's effort to reach 200,000 "super voters" in Iowa and New Hampshire, and learn what you can do to help:
And if you haven't already done so, please immediately sign up to make calls to Iowa and New Hamsphire voters for the official campaign...this is another essential method to winning the Campaign for Liberty:
Thank you,
Tom Scott, Organizer
Laurel Highlands Ron Paul 2012 Meetup Group

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