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Cofounder,Engineer wanted for early stage startup

From: Logan
Sent on: Thursday, July 26, 2007, 3:33 PM
Weblivetalk is an early stage company - and I do mean early - its basically me, an idea, and some software architecture. I'm a Stanford engineering alum with several startups under my belt where I've worked in both marketing and engineering roles. I'm working on an idea that mashes up many to many audio and video communication with facebook/myspace profiles and several activities popular with younger early adopters: web surfing, dating, and reality TV. The market is huge, the idea is has not been done before, and it enhances consumer behavior that already exists.

I'm looking for a cofounder, software engineer and architect who wants to work with me to build an alpha release, raise funding, and build a team. This will be a sweat equity position for a few months until we raise funding.

You must be an experienced software engineer/architect with a visible portfolio of sites in Java, PHP or Ruby on Rails. The prototype is in Rails, so preference will be given to those that know Rails or are motivated to learn it quickly. You should have experience scaling out a web app that can handle tens of thousands of simultaneous users.

Send a resume and cover letter to [address removed], or see me at the Rails meetup tonite in Mountain View.

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