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Four Things

From: Steve C
Sent on: Sunday, March 9, 2014, 6:29 PM

Dear Thinking Friends:

Thing 1: Drinking Skeptically happens this Tuesday, as in March 11, 7-ish, at Fiddler’s Elbow. Hope to see you there.

Thing 2: FYI, American Atheists has asked Dan Ellis (president, Atheists of Utah), West Monnett (whose family appears on the American Atheists billboard in SLC), and Joanne Hanks (former polygamist wife and author of “It’s Not About the Sex” My Ass) to conduct a workshop at the national convention in Salt Lake City on Thursday, April 17. I hope to have more information for you soon.

Thing 3: Forgive me if I already told you (I plead senility), but last month I wrote a piece that ran on Here’s the link in case you have nothing better to do than read it.

Thing 4: This Friday, MeetUp will ding me $72 to keep the Salt City Skeptics page going for another six months. I neither require nor even expect help, but if you feel inclined to give up a buck or two, I won’t turn you down.

Hope to see you Tuesday.
