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Vespa fuel tank wacky-ness

From: user 7.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 10:44 AM
I recently purchased a 1974 Vespa Super. Everything was working great until a few days ago. When I started it, it began spewing fuel from the bottom. Having little experience on this I was a bit hesitant about working on it. Luckily, when I removed the fuel tank I noticed that the fuel switch had come loose, and a screw was missing, allowing fuel to just spew. I got a screw and aligned it up, and screwed it back. Now the damn thing wont start! I called the guy I bought it from and he told be that he had originally accidentally installed it upside down.
Now I have no idea what side is the "right " on/off side.
can you direct me to a repair shop that you recommend. I've been told that this particular Vespa had been in Seattle for about 10 years, and repair shops should recognize it (see attached).
I really want to get it running ASAP, because I had planned on painting it soon!-
Thanks alot for your help-

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