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New Challenger Events - Please Note there is a FEE - Improve you tennis skills - Tennis Coaching

From: Rich
Sent on: Sunday, March 31, 2013, 12:36 PM




To provide a platform for player development in Norcal that optimizes time and investments for players. In addition, to develop a benchmark format to encourage player development combining the use of statistical data, match play experience, and coaching opportunities during match plays.

6 courts reserved at OAK GROVE HIGH SCHOOL on 285 Blossom Hill Road.

18 skill-level based players with no age or gender restrictions

**Qualifier events are 18 player draw determined by Vanguard selection committee**

**Main events are 18 player draw with the 16-player and 2 wild-card slots**

**Event is a skill-base tennis challenge for all players, both self-rating or USTA rated **

PLAYERS:  Be sure to be warmed-up and be play ready as the Challenge will commence on schedule

Date: every SATURDAY and SUNDAY

Events: Qualifiers held on Saturdays and Main events held on Sundays

Time: 9:00am-12:00pm

**Please arrive at 8:30am for registration and warm-ups.**


FORMAT: 3 hour of round robins play. All rounds are 4pt-reset format.

Maximum 3 players per court. Player not in play is designated ball person. Loser of the last points played feeds. First player to 4 points ends the round and recorded.  The player with the lowest win/loss total point play ratio moves down 1 court. The player with the highest win/loss total point ratio moves up 1 court. Players are continuously rotated in the rounds. Rounds are schedule for 20 minutes.  This format will offer opportunities for many of the players to play each other throughout the event to test their skills. Format may change to accommodate time constraints throughout the event.

1st hour = Co-op friendly feeding format with 3 ball rallies to initiate point-play

2nd hour = 2nd serve point plays

3rd hour = SHOOT OUT w/1st serve point plays


We will try to have a few coaches at the event. Each coach will offer 1 evaluation recommendation on each player’s match play performance.

Top 2 Players with highest ratios are given Wild Card spots in the main draw event with the option to participate the following Sunday Main event.  The bottom 2 players with the lowest ratios in the Main event loses their spots to the Wild Cards and will have to play in qualifiers to have the opportunity to participate in the future Main events.

Submit your interest for consideration at [address removed]

Participation fee:  $25.00 for qualifier events

$20.00 for main draw events


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