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Hey EDM lovers! Let me introduce myself..

From: user 7.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 16, 2013, 10:36 PM

Just sending a quick message to say hello and to see how all of you are doing. For those who donʼt know me, my name is Natalie and Iʼm part of the Platform team. I absolutely love music and enjoy having conversations about different topics in the music industry...especially electronic dance music. As you all are fans of this genre, letʼs start discussions, post events, attend events and even get together for listening or chat sessions. If anyone wants to volunteer to help Jeremy K and I with organizing meet ups or if you have any ideas for this group, then please let us know! Weʼd love to hear from you :).

Feel free to shoot me a message anytime. Hope to chat with you soon.



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