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Hosting high school study abroad students

From: Megan A.
Sent on: Friday, June 20, 2014, 2:17 PM

Hello, all! I think this email request for the group is relevant and worth sharing. My apologies for any inconvenience, but if you can help out Alaric with hosting, he'll be thrilled. Thank you.

My name is Alaric and I've been with the Madison International Travel Meetup Group for a few months now. I'm actually a Community Developer for AFS Intercultural Programs here in Madison. We are a volunteer based organization (5,000 volunteers in the U.SA and 44,000 globally) that promotes a more just and peaceful world by connecting individuals from different countries.

I thought I would reach out to this group to see if any of the members might be interested in hosting an international high school student. We've got a lot of great students coming in August, all we need are welcoming families in the area. I feel like my fellow group members would love to know about the hosting opportunities.

If you could let me know if it is possible to reach out to the members, please let me know! Even a simple mass email message will suffice. My phone number is [masked] and my email is [address removed]. Thanks!