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IMPORTANT: Nominations for new DC SMS Organizers

From: Ray L.
Sent on: Friday, November 19, 2010, 9:35 PM
Hello Members,

It is now time to start the election process for our next DC SMS Organizers! We will elect two new Organizers who will then join Gannon on the Organizer Team. This is a very exciting time and we hope you will actively participate in this process.

A while back, I sent out details about the election process. The first step of this process is for the current organizers to nominate two people.?

We are very pleased to announce that our nominations for the next DC SMS Organizers are:?Danielle Wipperfurth and Fabiana Talbot.

We have gotten to know each of these young ladies and believe they are both incredible people who bring great passion, energy, and talent to the cause. Please take a minute to read about them by clicking on the below links:

The next step is for you, our members, to submit your own write-in nominations and your feedback before Friday, 11/26. ?You can do so by going to:? ?All feedback will be kept confidential.?

For a complete description of the election process, please go to:?

Thank You!

Your Organizers