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Happy 2014!

From: Natasha
Sent on: Friday, January 3, 2014, 10:23 PM

Happy New Year My Sistah's!

Welcome to all of you who have recently joined us. If you are looking for opportunities to try new things and meet great people you picked the right group.  We never get together without laughing.  2013 was a whirlwind of fun, laughs and new experiences and  2014 promises to be even better full of more brunches, happy hour's teas and zip lining (Shouts out to Kiaonno and all of the ladies who conquered their fear of heights and tried zip lining).  In addition to those things, look out for kayaking, bowling, more Scandal Parties , wine tastings, a trip to NY to see Motown the Musical and just about anything else you can ask or imagine. Even more than those things, my hope is that this will be a year when we will begin to support each other in turning our dreams into goals and accomplishing those goals.   If you stumble across something you would really like to do and you don't want to go by yourself, or if you find something that just seems like it would be a lot of fun post it and host it!  This year lets do the things that challenge us and make us have to swallow hard.  Lets push our limits a little and enjoy every minute of it.  Let's make this our best year yet!  I'm looking forward to meeting each of you that I haven't yet met in the coming months, and saying hello again to those of you that have come out in the past.  Once again, Happy New Year!



