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New Meetup: July Meetup #1

From: Fletch Brendan G.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 12:04 AM
Announcing July Meetup #1

July 8,[masked]:30 PM
The Khabele School
801 Rio Grande St

Greetings everyone. I'm pleased to inform you that I've renewed our arrangement for meeting at the classroom at the Khabele school, the one with the projector, and that I've gotten my laptop fixed so I won't need one of you to bring one for us to use. The good news is that under this arrangement, we can stay until 8:30, so we get a full two hours.

We're going to continue the arrangement from last month, where we have the meeting in two halves- the first hour will be our job club meeting, where those of us in the design and media industries who are looking for work can network and trade information on our job or work searches. Then the second hour will be our general meeting where we'll have a topic of discussion. Having explained the purposes of the two halves, we of course welcome anyone who wants to come to attend either or both halves.

I want to especially encourage any members of our group who are writers to at least attend the first half of the meeting. One of the things I want to discuss is an idea for creating a meeting specifically for writers to better address the needs and issues they face.

The discussion topic for the general meeting will be "digital vs. physical packaging". A CD design I created was just released, but only in partial form- the full booklet I created for it is only available as a download, because the band couldn't afford the printing costs. So what kind of future are we looking at where music is primarily sold online, books are becoming that way, and newspapers are on the endangered list?

Hope to see all of you there!

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