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New Meetup: June Meetup at Galaxy Cafe

From: Fletch Brendan G.
Sent on: Monday, June 15, 2009, 10:19 PM
Announcing June Meetup at Galaxy Cafe

June 18, 2009
Job Club meets at 6:00pm
Regular meeting at 7:00pm

Galaxy Cafe
4701 N. Lamar Blvd.
Austin, TX 78751

Greetings everyone, first let me say I'm sorry for the lack of activity lately. This has been a time-consuming few weeks that have pulled my attention away from anything but dealing with one thing after the next, simultaneously exacerbated and aided by my lack of work (less money to pay to take care of these things, but more time to tackle them myself).

I hope Thursday isn't a problem for too many people, but it's the only day I can do it. It's been a couple of months since we were at Galaxy Cafe up at the Triangle, so let's do that again.

I'm trying hard to go back to the drawing board (HA! always wanted to say that), come up with a new plan for our group. So here's the first change I'm making: to directly address the needs of those who aren't working, the first hour of the meetup will be our Job Club meeting. Everyone looking for work, that's when you want to be there for sure, 6:00 pm. Come prepared to talk about what your job search activities in the past couple of weeks or so involved.

Then at 7:00 pm we'll have our regular gathering, which in this week's case will be a social one since we're meeting at Galaxy. Even if you're not looking for work, we'd welcome your input during the job club, but you don't have to come at 6. And it'd be great to have both in-work and out-of-work folks together during the second hour to network. If this works well, we'll do it this way at all our meetings. We'll tweak the timing based on how many people start coming.

I'm saving our next Khabele School meeting for when I can bring a speaker, or if I need a Plan B, at least give a decent presentation myself. So that'll probably be in July. The potluck picnic I was so gung ho about last month is still in the works, but it's looking like we'll make that later in the summer. As hot as it's been lately, I'm hoping I can time it for a week when the heat has broken somewhat.

Thanks everyone, I'll see you Thursday.

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