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Re: [dnd-6] June 28th meeting… Shadowun

From: Gabrielle
Sent on: Saturday, June 21, 2008, 4:55 PM
I am definitely coming and bringing the boyfriend.  I would like to be
a shaman and he picked decker, if that works for you.  We're both
looking forward to it. :)


On Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 4:13 PM, Anissa <[address removed]> wrote:
> ���
> I RSVPed.  Shadowrun 3e.  This is the list of players that I have so far:
> Rigger,
> Merc,
> Street Sam, and
> Sniper
> That's 4 to start.
> The iffy ones are:
> Investigator I sent out a private email and never got anything back.
> That would make five.
> Gabrielle, if you and your partner still want in, let me know.
> Edward!!!  Do you still want to be the mage?
> That would be 6,7, and 8 respectively.
> I know my hubby is coming.  I need to know if everyone on this list is also
> still coming.  If you guys could let me know if you RSVPed for my game, I
> would love you guys forever.
> Anissa

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