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Artist Needed (Possible Paid Commission)

From: Magus
Sent on: Saturday, July 18, 2015, 2:35 AM
Greetings All,

Although I am not new here, I have never posted before and, honestly, dont know if this is the right way to go about it.  If I am in violation of some rule or just in the wrong place, please feel free to tell me.

I am about to start a post-apocalypse game set 150 years after 'The Fall' and I am in need of a genre-aware, suggestion-friendly artist to help give my ideas form.

I will be needing an over view map of Florida, separated from the main land along the Lealand Fault line (I think that's what it's called) and affected by a higher water table around 18' over all rise), showing major highways and locations of present day cities (many under water, all in ruins).  I will also need a 'vault' of sorts (not Fallout, per se, but close, sorta) and possibly a few locations as well.

I would like these drawings to be detailed enough to use as cannon for my GM trickery and also have versions for player handouts.

Of course, I have tons of crazy ideas and insane demands but nothing a skilled and experienced artist wouldnt have heard before and be able to handle.  I respect that the artist I choose is a professional and will know how best to make my fantasy a reality.

I am open to negotiation of price based on completed work, not hourly rates.  I also have a semi-rigid delivery time set at around 2 weeks from today (basically, by the end of the month).

Anyone interested is welcome to contact me direct (I dont check the boards often...ever, really) with samples of previous, similar work (kept confidential) and a contact number to discuss details.

I imagine this beginning with a lunch meeting to discuss the basics and then intend to leave you alone to do what you do best, checking in with me occasionally with progress reports or questions of choice.

I dont discriminate about anything, at all, and see no reason to start now so, all talented artists - professional, amateur and wannabe - are welcome to apply.

Thanks for your time and consideration.


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