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Fantasy Age game @ Meeple Madness - Need Players!

From: user 2.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 1, 2015, 12:25 AM

I know this may be a stretch for some in terms of distance, but there are a number of us meeting at Meeple Madness, a store just outside of the Dacula/Hamilton Mill/Buford area. It's a terrific place - large, well-lit, clean, awesome staff, and tables galore for gaming. Right now we're meeting there to play on Wednesday evenings from 7 PM until 10 PM (we get a lot done in three hours), and after some discussion as to *what* we wanted to play, we eventually settled on Fantasy Age (from Green Ronin - the same thing that Wil Wheaton is using to fuel is TItansgrave game on YouTube), and boy were we glad we did! It plays so quickly and smoothly (only requiring 3d6) that we have been able to get further in a game of this than we would if we were playing some sort of other fantasy equivalents that are on the market today. This is not a jab at those games, though! We are just very satisfied with what we've found, and although a number of curious passers-by have come in to comment, no one has yet to belly up to the table with us and take up a role.

Character generation is a snap, and by that I literally mean you can be up and running with your character in approximately fifteen minutes (perhaps less), but the GM running the game has also worked in a variety of ways for us to make decisions about what our world is like, who's doing what to whom, etc. There is a high level of player buy-in and encouragement for us to be heroes instead of just mere adventurers.

In spite of all of this, though, we still need more players. If you'd even remotely be interested, please reply to this generally or find me directly with an email. We would love to have you!

- Brad -

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