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Moving out of the country need to sell all my gaming books.

From: Logan
Sent on: Monday, August 31, 2015, 9:20 AM
My wife and I have decided to start our very own real life adventure and move to Taiwan. Unfortunately we can only bring with us the stuff we can fit in our luggage that we take on the plane. That means sadly I will have to sell all my gaming books I have collected over the past 25 years of gaming. I wanted to let everyone here know to see if anyone wanted to buy any of them. I mostly have AD&D 2nd ed and D&D 3rd/3.5 ed, but I have other game systems too. I have a lot of game books, so I don't really want to try to list them all here, but if you are interested let me know. [address removed]

$10 for Hardcover and Boxsets
$5 for Spined paperbacks
$1 for Non-spined paperbacks
There is also a bulk discount, based on how much you buy.

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