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Join us next Tuesday for a Tale of Decision Making!

From: Melissa P.
Sent on: Thursday, May 31, 2018, 11:42 AM

Hi Agile Experience Design Group -

As you know, we're into the second part of our three part series on decision making, and it's happening next week! Join us on Tuesday to hear two great stories about top down vs bottom up decision making. We're looking forward to seeing you there!

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***Part 2 of our 3-part series: "All Decisions Are Design Decisions"***

Making big decisions in companies of any size is a daunting task. How do you get buy-in across an organization? How do you educate other members of the organization? What scenarios work best for a top-down decision? How can you make a bottom-up decision truly work?

This month’s talk features two speakers who have experienced this first hand. In a dueling piano back-to-back format, Giff Constable will share his story of how a big decision was made from the top down, and Dave Masters will share a tale of a bottom-up decision making progress.

Each story will be from a real-life case study, sharing the pitfalls and successes and how the decision was successfully permeated across the organization.


Giff Constable runs product and engineering at Axial, a fintech startup connecting buyers and sellers of small to medium sized businesses. Previously, he was CEO of Neo, a product consulting company that pushed the envelope on how lean, agile and design thinking can co-exist.

Dave Masters has been doing some form of product management for the past 13 years. He currently leads the Renters and Owners experiences for


Stay tuned for Part 3 of our decision-making series later in June! We'll be talking about facilitating decisions of consequence. Get amped.



Melissa, Linda, Jonathan, and Emerson


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