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New Meetup: June MeetUp

From: Glenn P D.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 2, 2010, 10:57 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Boston Area Alternative Energy Supporters!

What: June MeetUp

When: Wednesday, June 16,[masked]:00 AM

Knights of Columbus Upper Hall
48 Schooset Street
Pembroke, MA 02359

Please join us on June 16th.

The Plymouth and South Shore Association of REALTORS? will be hosting a GREEN Membership Meeting from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM at the Knights of Columbus Upper Hall, 48 Schooset Street, Pembroke, MA.

If you have a GREEN product or service you would like to market to the REALTOR? community, you should reserve your space today. We are offering vendors a table for $50. Exhibitors have the opportunity to showcase their products and services to REALTORS?. Exhibitors are encouraged to display products, materials, and equipment, as well as giveaway promotional items.

The program will be:

8:15 am - 8:45 am Vendors set up displays
8:45 am - 9:30 am Members Register and visit vendors
9:30 am ? 10:30 am Presentations by Energy Star and Mass Save
10:30 am ? 11:00 am Members visit vendors

The Plymouth and South Shore Association is the 2nd largest REALTOR? Trade Association in Massachusetts with over 2,200 members serving 18 communities from the Neponset Bridge to the Cape Cod Canal.

Request a Vendor Exhibit Application Via email & please return it by June 7th. [address removed]

Nancy Betz Marybeth Muldowney,
Chief Executive Officer President

The Plymouth and South Shore Association of REALTORS

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