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New Meetup: The Snail's Strategy (Colombia, 1993) [Film + Live Music / Dance Event]

From: ACM
Sent on: Wednesday, September 29, 2010, 3:14 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Arts & Culture Meetup!

What: The Snail's Strategy (Colombia, 1993) [Film + Live Music / Dance Event]

When: Friday, October 1,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Eight Private Members Club
1 Change Alley EC3V 3ND

Members of the Arts & Culture Meetup are invited to attend a special screening of the Colombian film The Snail's Strategy this Friday, 1st October at the Eight Private Members Club in Bank.


Director: Sergio Cabrera ? Starring: Gustavo Angarita, Eduardo Arias, Jaime Azc?rate. ? Columbia, 1993 ? 116 mins ? Spanish with English subtitles

In Colombia there is a law that states if an abandoned estate is occupied by squatters for a certain period of time, the land becomes theirs by default (at the turn of the century, many wealthy landowners left their farms as the country became urbanized). The law becomes the basis of conflict when the original owners of the 48 room mansion the Olive House, aka "The Coop" by the squatters, come to reclaim it. The squatters there resist. A lawyer delays the eviction. Meanwhile a former theatrical stage manager devises an ingenious plot. The tenants, using pulleys and levers, take apart the house leaving only the facade. As they work, the personal quirks of each squatter and his or her relationship with the others are revealed.


Tickets: ?6

N.B. Entry to the venue will be granted only to those on the guest list - if interested in attending, please provide your full name when RSVPing. There is also a STRICT dress code policy on the door - 'smart' and/or 'glam' only. Visitors must be 21 or over.

This screening is part of a Latin film/music/dance evening being organised by the UK Latin American Events group (tickets include entry to the full evening's programme)

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