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New Meetup: Turn the Page: Focus on Pages pt 2 of 5

From: user 4.
Sent on: Monday, February 16, 2009, 7:59 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Austin Tarot Talkers!

I am SO sorry that I am scheduling this at the last minute but I have just been swamped lately with schoolwork and other obligations. I hope you are planning on the 3rd Wednesday anyways. Please RSVP right now.

What: Turn the Page: Focus on Pages pt 2 of 5 (We will cover the Page of Cups)

When: February 18,[masked]:30 PM

suggested donation: $10.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Bob Seger said it first but now we are taking him literally. Join us for a new series of card focus and connections.

Walk with us as we continue our journey through
The Pages.

RSVP right away. There are only a limited number of seats available.
All levels and experience are invited.

This gathering will be devoted to the Page of Cups

Bring your Princess, Page or Daughter to the series of focusing on the lowest level Court Cards. You will be exposed to a variety of different Princess, daughter or Page stories as a result of the various cards from the decks that you bring.

We will discuss these cards through all six of our senses and from our research.

We will discuss astrology, numerology, kaballah, elements, symbolism and colors and how it relates to our Court Card. You will learn the broader picture of how all the cards work together giving you more confidence and depth in your understanding of the tarot deck.

The meetup will finish up with a discussion on what we just learned and how to use this information in a reading in addition to how the card fits in with the remainder of the deck.

This is the first Meetup of a 5 part series. Each Meetup in this series we discuss a new Page.

It is important that you bring a journal specifically for your tarot studies. Bring a deck or decks, your favorite research book/s and a cash donation for your wyze, dedicated and hardworking organizer.

Plan to have fun, meet new and old friends and fall in love with the tarot.

As always, the gathering is free. There is a suggested donation of $10.00 but please only give what you can. Do not let money keep you from coming. All donations are anonymous. If you prefer, you can pay through PayPal.

See you there.
La Vonne

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