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What we’re about

NEWS: Scott has just published "A Practical EmPath" on Amazon! Priced low.

This group is a path to
(a) find friends who value clear authentic empathetic communication; and
(b) master your inner world, which leads to...
(c) leveling up your awareness and EQ for more connection, freedom, harmony, and power.

Please RSVP and change your RSVP to no if your plans change.

What you get while enjoying the company of like-minded people:
Depending on topic and mood: CLEAR, CONCRETE STEPS TO ACHIEVE:
- Curing social anxiety.
- "Thinkers" to better understand "feelers".
- "Feelers" to protect yourself when feeling more than you want to.
- Turning anger into peace.
- Parents to create more connection, understanding, trust, and cooperation with children.
- Increasing cohesion, effectiveness, and efficiency in business environments.
- Learning to be empathetic in crisis.
- Roommates to increase harmony, community, and ease.
- Using empathy in crucial conversations without sounding like a mystic, psychiatrist, or creep.
- Quick and easy conflict mediation that works.
- Amp up your negotiation skills.

(a) Host will at times consciously use judgements/evaluations in a joking way. If you hear him do this but are not sure if he is joking, speak up! He understands his quirky humor can contribute to confusion.
(b) When the group is in "Practical Empathy practice mode," you are free to use whatever you consider empathy or try to use the methods of PE. Either way, for the good of the group's learning, if you say something that is considered a judgement or evaluation, the host may point this out so all can learn. If you worry that the pain from that correction may be too much, this group may not be for you.
Based on Scott's book "Practical Empathy", NVC, Stoicism, Buddhism, and Taoism.

SOME RESOURCES (optional):
- Get the physical card game we play at most meetups:
- Get the mobile game (w/EmpathyBot a.i.) for increasing your EQ:
- Videos, animations, and articles showing NVC / Practical Empathy in action (This is a website created by the group's founder, Scott Swain): The site is also a resource for Voluntaryism, peaceful parenting, and unschooling.  Scott's bio:
- Telegram group:

YouTube: If you look up "Center for Nonviolent Communication" or "Marshall Rosenberg", you will find many videos on NVC / Compassionate Communication.

Center for Nonviolent Communication: A group that helps to spread Compassionate Communication around the world: