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Please vote in this poll - this is very important

From: Marjeta
Sent on: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 7:46 PM
I wonder how many of you think that a religious nut like her is qualified for VP... Please vote.

Palin Poll

PBS has an online poll posted asking if Sarah Palin is qualified.�� Apparently the Republicans knew about this in advance and are flooding the voting with YES votes.�� I know -- it's only a poll.�� But it will be�� reported on PBS, picked up by mainstream media and can influence undecided voters in swing states.

Please do two things -- takes 20 seconds.�� Hey guys, here's our��chance to make a voice only takes a few minutes.

�������������� 1)�� Click on the��link and vote yourself.�������� Here's the link:



����������2)�� Then send this to every single Obama-Biden voter you know, and��urge them to vote and pass it on.

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