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RE: [atheists-55] Please vote in this poll - this is very important

From: caroline
Sent on: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 9:59 AM
It says it's not scientific...

What's much more amazing is the "poll" on the Economist website that shows the blue map of the world... I'm pretty sure that every country votes for Obama (some by over 90% margins).

Caroline Stauss

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [atheists-55] Please vote in this poll - this is very important
Date: Wed, 22 Oct[masked]:46:57 -0400

I wonder how many of you think that a religious nut like her is qualified for VP... Please vote.

Palin Poll

PBS has an online poll posted asking if Sarah Palin is qualified.  Apparently the Republicans knew about this in advance and are flooding the voting with YES votes.  I know -- it's only a poll.  But it will be  reported on PBS, picked up by mainstream media and can influence undecided voters in swing states.

Please do two things -- takes 20 seconds.  Hey guys, here's our chance to make a voice only takes a few minutes.

        1)  Click on the link and vote yourself.     Here's the link:



     2)  Then send this to every single Obama-Biden voter you know, and urge them to vote and pass it on.

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