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Re: [friends-1046] Future of the Bend Photographers Group

From: Nick F.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 11, 2013, 10:48 PM
Thanks for a job well done my friend. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 10, 2013, at 3:42 PM, Robert Curzon <[address removed]> wrote:

Dear Photographers,


I’ve been at the helm of the Bend Photographers Group for over two years now.  It’s been a time in which I’ve gotten to know many wonderful people, see some great photos, and experience the quality of the photos we’re shooting rise tenfold.  But it’s time to turn the helm over to someone else.  My work and life situation demand my time and attention more than ever before.  


Tom Ryan has offered the new Organizer, whoever that might be, his support, knowledge and expertise.  Just contact him through the site. 


From the time I “step down” as the Organizer, there will be six days before the group automatically dissolves, even though I’ve paid the dues through September 29th of this year.  I’ll be stepping down in the next few days.  Any takers?  Please email me at: [address removed]


Heartfelt thanks to all who have contributed time, money, food, drinks, moral support, friendship and of course, photos.




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