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Lybia US Mess

From: user 3.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 12, 2012, 9:21 AM
Once again we are confronted with the reality that we are not wanted in
lands that are secrete to their own belief system not ours and yet we continue
to believe that our way is the best. How many more signals do we need to see
like today's killing of American Ambassador and three others. Wake up, 
just forget trying to change a broken system it will fix itself after it
breaks which is not long from now. Of course the Corporate Media love this stuff.
Also Romney the empty barrel seized this issue as a failed policy of Obama. Its a
failed policy of the human race. Romney is an idiot.
Vote for anybody but Romney. I called the RNC and Senate RNC and told them that
Romney would lose and that the Republican party was over.
They had no comment, I told them that's way they are going to become extinct.
See you nest meet-up, the last was great, GO FOR YOURSELF
Mike Koontz, Keeping it Honest