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From: Deb S
Sent on: Monday, January 4, 2016, 4:40 PM
John, I’ll gladly pay when I see you next.  Do you have a recommended amount?

Deb Stein
[address removed]

On Jan 4, 2016, at 4:21 PM, John <[address removed]> wrote:

Happy New Year, everyone! ushered in the New Year with an increase in dues.  Our group is now charged $180 a year.  I found a 6-month lump of coal for $90 in my Film Stocking when I awoke to 2016.

Meetup isn't perfect, by any means, but it has been a wonderful vehicle heading into our decadetennial year, bringing us together for ten years of the best cinema in the world, at some of the best venues, anywhere, with fascinating discussion at some of the finest establishments.  I, for one, will miss Yenching, as I would miss the Boston International/ Arthouse Movie Meetup Group as losing an old friend.

One thing that sets our group apart is the way in which everyone chips in to make certain the bill gets paid - with generous tip - at every discussion.  It is in that spirit that I pass around the bill and ask everyone to chip in.  You can make a donation through the website, you can contribute at an event, or you can send to my PayPal address, [address removed].

I thank you, in advance, and I'll see you at the movies!



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