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New Meetup: Raw and Living Energy Foods: Chili, Tacos and Burgers

From: Lena M.
Sent on: Monday, February 15, 2010, 9:27 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Chicago Suburbs Raw and Living Foods!

What: Raw and Living Energy Foods: Chili, Tacos and Burgers

When: Saturday, February 27,[masked]:30 AM

Price: $35.00 per person

Whole Foods-Hinsdale
500 E. Ogden 2nd floor
Hinsdale, IL 60521

10 - 11:30 am $35

In the Lifestyle Center

Health Starts Here continues as raw food Chef Lena whips up some family favorites. It's hard to believe that these easy, time-saving make ahead meals are not cooked dinners. Get your hearty meal cravings satisfied in addition to supplying your body with nutrients and benefits of uncooked, unprocessed food. This class will show you how to integrate some raw foods into your life without feeling like you are giving up your favorite meals. As a certified Raw Food Chef and Raw Nutritional Educator, Chef Lena will provide delicious samples and the tools for creating more energy and wholeness in your diet.

Learn more here:

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