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Indoor Spring volleyball leagues begin in ONE WEEK! Register now....

From: Aron B.
Sent on: Sunday, March 6, 2016, 8:15 PM

Hey Players, if you haven't already registered for indoor spring volleyball, it's time!  Leagues begin next week so don't wait!

Register online ASAP and/or email us with any questions. Leagues run Monday - Thursday with many different skill levels.

Below are specific openings we are looking to fill but there are more....



Men's A 4 - room for teams or singles to form teams

Women's A 4 - room for 2 teams or singles to form teams



Coed A 4 - room for teams or singles to form teams



Coed A 4 - room for teams or singles to form teams

Women BB/A 4 - room for teams or singles to form teams



Coed A Trips (3v3) - room for teams or singles to form teams

Men BB 4 - room for teams or singles to form teams

Coed BB 4 - room for teams or singles to form teams


Register at under the "register online" tab or see what's offered under the "Upcoming leagues" tab.


The Colorado Volleyball Connection


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