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PLayer spots to be filled for indoor court volleyball in Wheat Ridge starting this coming week!

From: Aron B.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 9, 2016, 12:19 PM


if you want one of these spots, please email me quickly and go online and register for them.  We start this coming week in Wheat Ridge at the rMac.  Full details here:

Monday: Men A 4 -  room for 2-4 guys

Monday: Women BB/A 4 - Room for 2 teams or singles to form a team

Tuesday: Coed A 4 - one team needs 1 guy and 1 girl. PLUS room for another team or 2

Tuesday: Coed BB 4 - one team needs 1 guy and 1 girl

Wednesday: Coed A 4 - two different teams each need 1 guy PLUS room for teams/singles to form teams.

Wednesday: Women's BB/A 4 - one team needs 2-3 women to complete the team.

Thursday: Coed BB 4 - 1 team needs 1 guy PLUS room for more teams/singles to form teams.

Men BB 4 - room for more teams or singles to form teams.


The Colorado Volleyball Connection






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