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Last spots to fill for outdoor sand & grass volleyball leagues beginning this week in Lakewood Park....

From: Aron B.
Sent on: Sunday, June 5, 2016, 11:26 AM

Hey Players,

We are down to just a few spots to fill for grass and sand leageus in Lakewood Park this summer.  If anything interests you, please let us know. THey will all be pro-rated if the league you choose has already started.

Monday - 1 guy to complete a coed BB/A 4 sand team
Tuesday - 1 girl or guy to complete a coed B 6 sand team.
Tuesday -  single girls & guys to form one last team in coed BB 4 grass!
Tuesday -  1-2 girls to complete women's A 4 grass team
Wednesday - singl girls & guys to form one last team in coed A 4 grass
Wednesday - 4 players - girls or guys to complete coed REC 6 sand team
Thursday- 1 guy to complete coed BB 4 grass team
Thursday -  1 guy/1 girl or 2 girls to complete coed A sand doubles team.

All run 10 weeks at Lakewood Park with 6 games nightly beginning at 6:40pm.  full details can be found at under the "upcoming leagues" link or go to our "register online" link to register (ask for pro-rated fee beforehand).

Hope to see you on the courts!

The Colorado Volleyball Connection