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For One Night Only - Aidan's new comedy show in The Sugar Club

From: Declan
Sent on: Sunday, September 28, 2014, 9:24 PM


Just sending a reminder about the great meetup event that is happening this Wednesday evening in the Sugar Club. Aidan who runs the Comedy Comedy meetup site is just back from the Edinburgh festival in which he had his best and most successful year yet. His brand new show 'Jesus Versus Buddha' received such extraordinarily positive reviews that he has decided to record it for DVD at the Sugar Club and it would be great if you could come and see it. Aidan investigates and compares the lives of Jesus and Buddha and brings their words into today’s world. The show is empowering, spiritual and hilarious.

Chortle which is the main website for comedy in the UK reviewed the show in Edinburgh and gave it 4 stars which is a great achievement. They said it is "tremendously engaging" and you will see "nothing else compare with this."Chortle * * * *

They also said this 50-minute comedy show can be described as "raw and stimulating" and "has probably more ideas and philosophy crammed into it than 100 other shows put together. It’s brimming, chaotic, digressive and smart." - Chortle

The tickets are on sale on Ticketmaster at this link Get your ticket soon before the event sells out.

One of the best comedians in the country, Patrick McDonnell, will be sharing the stage with him. He has appeared in 'Father Ted', 'Naked Camera' and is one of the writers and stars of 'The Savage Eye'. It is all set to be a truly special night of comedy…

There are tables reserved for the meetup group so it should be easy to find us but if you can't, you can ring me on[masked] and I will go and meet you at the front door



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