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New Meetup: Q & A with Dan Mindus of New Vantage Group (Angel Investor)

From: user 7.
Sent on: Saturday, August 15, 2009, 8:52 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The DC Metro Entrepreneur Meetup (DC Spotter)!

What: Q & A with Dan Mindus of New Vantage Group (Angel Investor)

When: September 22,[masked]:00 PM

Public Bar
[masked]th St NW
Washington, DC 20036

Please join your fellow DC Spotter members as we welcome Dan Mindus of the New Vantage Group. New Vantage Group (NVG) creates and manages early-stage venture funds for active angel investors including the Washington Dinner Club and Active Angel Investors, and maintains joint venture partnerships with regional clubs such as Chesapeake Emerging Opportunities and Virginia Active Angel Network. Since 1999, their members have invested more than $50 million in more than 55 mid-Atlantic-based companies.

We have worked with Mr. Mindus to develop the following format:
- 15 minute presentation by Mr. Mindus on angel investing, entreprenuers and the ins/outs
- Question and answer discussion to follow

We look forward to seeing you there! Thank you


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