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Reminder: Meeting tonight!

From: Alex
Sent on: Tuesday, April 7, 2009, 5:07 PM
Hi all, 

Just a reminder that we have a meeting tonight in DC at Radio Free Asia,
details here:­

Barry Warsaw was scheduled to present, but had to cancel due to a home

Matt Bowen will lead the Pythonistas in a rousing rendition of "Around
the room: What is your current favorite Python technology?"

Followed by drinks at the Science Club.

I am unable to attend, so I'll mention my current favorite Python
technologies now:

ZENOSS. I've been experimenting with ZENOSS, and I'm very excited
to use it for monitoring my web hosting clients. In particular, 
I love that it is a Zope 2 application that ships with a variety
of other cool technologies built-in (MySQL, RRDTool) to deliver network 
monitoring functionality seemlessly. (In other words, end users
don't know or care what is under the hood, but it's
quite complex and impressive :-)

Have fun all!


Alex Clark ?­
Buy Practical Plone 3:­