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August 21st Meeting Reminder

From: Brian S.
Sent on: Monday, August 20, 2012, 10:21 AM
Hello --

We all love ICE CREAM, especially during an August in Texas.  A very
special thanks to our sponsors for having us:

- Paladin Consulting.  They are sponsoring the ice cream sandwiches.
- C-TREC Hilton Academy.  They are the venue sponsor.  You'll love
their swanky facility.

What We Need From You:

1.  Send me any URLs to slides you thought were interesting at
different conferences.
2.  Bring your business or moo cards, resume, and networking attitude.
 Meet someone new.
3.  Share any news about job opportunities or any other cool announcements.
4.  Eat an ice cream sandwich with someone new.
5.  Thank Marlon Monsolve from Paladin Consulting for sponsoring the ice cream.
6.  Take plenty of pictures and write a review of the meeting.

What We Will Do For You:

1.  We have some important news about upcoming workshops and meetings.
2.  Learn about the latest information about the Big Design Conference 2013.
3.  We will give you some of the latest job leads that we know.
4.  We have plenty of slides from presentations, so don't feel
pressured to talk.
5.  We will facilitate the conversation.  But, it will be a relaxed environment.
6.  You will have plenty of networking time.


Here is the Google map for the CTREC Hilton Academy:­

Once you get to the campus, the best thing to do is to go towards the
back to the parking garage.  Yes, SHADED parking is awesome in August!

Exit the parking garage.  CTREC Hilton Academy is on the first floor
of the building on the right, when you come out of the parking garage.

I will be wearing a YELLOW shirt, so you can see me.  I will be outside, too.


[masked] PM -- Arrive
[masked] PM -- Networking and Ice Cream (courtesy of Paladin Consulting)
[masked] PM -- Announcements, Conference Redux,
900-??? PM -- Go to restaurant or home

See you there!

Brian Sullivan

PS  Tell your friends to join us:

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