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New Meetup: First Evening Introduction to Metaphysics Meetup

From: Kendara L.
Sent on: Friday, May 22, 2009, 8:31 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Introduction To Metaphysics, Denver Meetup!

What: First Evening Introduction to Metaphysics Meetup

When: June 25,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: You asked for it...You got it! This will be the first of a monthly evening meetup. We will discuss anything you might be interested in. This meetup will allow those who want to attend, but can't do Saturday, as (as well as those who want more than one Metaphysics Meetup a month). Everyone is encouraged to participate. Presenters are members of this group. The first meetup will include a discussion of people's everyone's interests and experiences, a swell as subjects/areas they might want to learn more about. Please email me at [address removed] if you would like to present (please include the subject).The response to the idea of an evening meetup has been just great! Thank you!

Please remember to RSVP


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