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October 12 Dive Bar Book Club Location

From: Michelle
Sent on: Thursday, September 30, 2010, 10:17 PM
Hi all!! Glad to have you part of the Dive Bar Book Club! No one loves cocktails and books like me, except for you I guess!! So let's have some fun, interesting conversation.

The location is posted as this:

Tia Juana's Long Bar in Irvine. It's off Sand Canyon exit on the 5. We'll be sitting outside on the patio, more than likely, unless I can score us the banquet room. Since it's Tuesday night, there will be music going on in the bar, so that's why I'm going to set us up in a quieter spot. But it also is Taco Tuesday, so if you're looking for dinner with those drinks, there will be all kinds of specials.

Check it out on yelp:

Ok, dive bar bookies, see you there!! Dive Bar Book Club OC Meetup

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