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Reminder: ErLounge Tuesday 7pm @ Pier 38

From: Christian W.
Sent on: Monday, January 11, 2010, 1:23 AM
Happy New Year everyone!

Just a quick reminder that the first ErLounge of 2010 is upon us; this Tuesday evening at 7pm, we'll be gathering at Pier 38--home of SocialMedia, CoTweet, True Ventures, and more--upstairs in the SocialMedia space. Drinks and delicious sweets will be provided. Bring a friend!

Join us to meet and greet fellow developers interested in the Erlang language and OTP way of life, and share your experiences with Erlang. I'll open with some slides about how CoTweet uses Erlang. The event is open to the public, and I particularly welcome all Erlang developers, functional programming folks and curious to this social event.

Tuesday, January 12th, 7:00pm
ErLounge SF/Bay @ Pier 38 [SocialMedia space]
Embarcadero, between Brennan and Townsend
San Francisco, CA 94107

Call/text me (Christian Westbrook) at[masked] if you need directions or need to coordinate.

Map link -

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