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Events beyond Generation Atheist

From: Michael K.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 8, 2012, 12:38 PM

Two events in May worth checking out.

Movie - Chocolat
Atheists United (our sponsoring organization) is showing the movie Chocolat on Sunday May 27 at 11am. A complimentary lunch is provided after the meeting. It's a great opportunity to meet other members, discuss the movie and talk about other interesting topics.

Click here for movie description, trailer and to RSVP.

AU Family group will also be hosting AU Kids while we watch the movie. It's like a secular Sunday school for children. Last month we had over 10 children participate. Click here to RSVP and more details.


Freethought Alliance Convention
The Orange County Freethought Alliance Conference will be held on May 19th and 20th, 2012 at the University of California, Irvine.

Check out the great speaker list: Michael Shermer, Robert Price, Phil Zuckerman, Dave Silverman, Aron Ra, Richard Carrier, Jim Underdown, Barbara Forrest, Brian Dunning, Mr Deity, Dan Barker, Edward Tabash, Dave Richards, Heina Dadabhoy

Atheists United is getting people together to purchase a discounted table. Instead of $150 for 2 days, it'll be $125. If you're interested in attending and would like to join other Atheists United members, please contact AU board member Frances Prevas at [address removed]. If enough members are interested, she will coordinate the purchase.

Click here for complete details on the convention.


Michael Khalili
Generation Atheist Organizer

If you're interested in attending and would like to join other Atheists United members in purchasing a discounted 8-person table together, please contact AU board member Frances Prevas at [address removed]. If enough members are interested, she will coordinate the purchase.

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