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Need Voluneers: Annual Sports Tournament in Philly

From: Jennifer Dent B.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 4:11 PM
Contact: Maine Prince
Contact Email: [address removed]

Philadelphia, PA - The 1-Love Group LLC will be hosting its first Annual Sports Tournament in Philadelphia organized by Philadelphia Sports Training Center and The Sports Training Foundation on August 8th at Wissonoming Park in northeast Philadelphia for boys/girls & men/women. On center stage, there will be a Battle of the Choirs from the local Philadelphia area.

Wissonoming Park (Cheltenham Avenue & Charles Street) located in northeast Philadelphia will have six courts supporting 5 divisions for 3-on-3 basketball. The divisions are Top Gun, Recreation, Female, High School, and Middle School Division. Trophies will be awarded to the first and second place teams in each division. There will also be a free throw contest; 10' dunk contest; three-point shoot-out; and a ball-handling relay race for kids 7 - 11, as well as other games.

Softball and 3-on-3 Basketball competition will begin at 9am until 5pm including entertainment, music, food, and fun. The Softball divisions are Men's, Corporate, Family, and Co-Ed. There will also be a home run derby contest open to all.

Our goal for the sports tournament is to provide an arena for both teens and adults to be encouraged to compete in basketball, baseball or softball during the summer months. These activities will keep them active, off the streets, and in a positive social environment. 1-Love Philanthropy will provide private security to reduce and prevent crime in the community through Community Guards Company. Community lounges will be readily available with a licensed social worker. These lounges will offer recreational activities, family nights, educational classes, job development, and trained therapists. Keystone Mercy, co-sponsor, will provide free mammogram, screenings, and other health related sessions for attendees. This service is helps reduce the impact of breast cancer and adequately provides education to with family history of health related issues unknown.

To become a sponsor, vendor, volunteer, or participant in the tournament call[masked] or register online at

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