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Fri Jan 13th Catholic/Christian Professionals Billiards Fundraiser

From: TC
Sent on: Wednesday, December 21, 2016, 8:39 PM

The Catholic Fellowship of NYC is organizing this very special Catholic/Christian Professionals Billiards Fundraiser benefiting Catholic Charities on Friday January 13, 2017 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at Society Billiards in Manhattan.

This event is NOT crazy competitive. Beginners are welcome. We have 5 tables for two hours, and you will have the opportunity to play with different groups of people throughout the night.

Don’t worry if you are coming alone. Most people do and we will introduce you.  Come out and play billiards for a good cause and meet other Catholic/Christian professionals!

Registration and prepayment is required as space is limited.

Ticket price:

- $25.75 if register and prepay on/before January 6th

- $30.75 if register and prepay from January 7th to January 12th

- $35.75 if register and prepay on January 13th

To register and prepay, go to


Society Billiards & Bar

10 E21st Street

Between Broadway & 5th Avenue

New York, NY 10010