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Twilight: 2000 Campaign

From: Anpu42
Sent on: Wednesday, March 13, 2013, 12:13 PM

I have been thinking of starting up a campaign based on the Twilight: 2000 Campaign Setting. Basically it takes place in Eastern Europe after WWIII. The players will be playing a group of survivors of the US 5th Mechanized Infantry Division after both sides have effectively destroyed each other. The goal will be to get home.


Currently I will be using the Shadowrun 4th Edition Rules, but I may also go back to the original Twilight: 2000 rules or even d20. The focus will be site based exploration and cross country travel. This will also be a limited resource game. All the characters will be Pre-Generated also know as Pre-Gens. If you have a concept let me know and I will see how it works.


There are some details I am working out at the moment. These mostly have to do with time line. I am also trying to decide if the is will be a set as a parallel to my NEST/UNIT Game.


I am not sure of the time and dates at the moment. It will be either a weekly or monthly game depending one everyone’s schedule. This also might not get started for a month or so. So keep checking the message board. Do not bother E-Mailing me directly, I will just tell you to use the Message Board.



Thank you for your time

