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(contd)Second City Training Center Opportunities

From: Jeff B.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 19, 2016, 11:37 AM

(Sorry, I hit the Send button too soon.  So, this is a continuation of the first message.)


Find out more at the The Second City Improv Program. Also, you can check out the remaining open classes and register at Training Center Classes and Registration.


Many people are intimidated about trying out Improv Theater/Comedy.  But, Level A is really a lot of fun and has been accessible to many people.  It doesn't require any acting background, and it doesn't require people to be outgoing.  It is a great way to Play and see if you'd like to do more of that program.  Although I haven't done the full program, I can say that I, as an introvert, really had a fun time in Level A.


Also, if you tend to be anxious in social situations, Second City also offers an Improve for Anxiety program that starts on Monday, October 25th.  Find out more at Improv for Anxiety Overview. And, you can see the Improv for Anxiety Schedule for logistics.  Note, this program requires pre-approval by one of its administrators.  And, the higher cost is due to this program having a weekly improv class and a weekly group discussion class about applying improv to anxiety.


There are many InterPlayers who really enjoy watching Improv Comedy and have the utmost respect for it, but they don't do it for one reason or another.  While Second City and InterPlay are related in the sense that they are both built on spontaneity and authenticity, each one offers unique sets of fun and growth opportunities that the other does not focus on.


I hope those of you who have the time, energy and financial resources will be able to jump into one of the remaining open classes.  You'll likely be very happy that you tried out the first Level.


Feel free to forward this email on to others who you think would enjoy trying out what Second City has to offer.



Jeff Breting

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