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Message to ISN: Update re Tomorrow's Global Mindset Event

From: Arlene M.
Sent on: Monday, April 30, 2018, 11:56 PM

Hi, Everyone,


We have just received an update from the organizers of the Global Mindset Conference, details of which we informed you about yesterday.

Due to the recent tragedy suffered by Gili Raanan and his family, Gili will not be participating in the event.

We send our heartfelt condolences to Gili and the family on their tragic loss.


Two speakers have kindly agreed to present and will also participate on the panel.

Yuval Matalon: General Manager of eBay Israel

Boaz Mishaan: VP and General Manager Retalix - Eastern Europe, Nordics, Baltics, Africa


The event will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, May 1st from 08:30 AM-12:45 noon, at Pearl Cohen, Azrieli Sarona Tower, 53rd Floor, 121 Menachem Begin, Tel Aviv. The topic is “A Global Mindset --- Awareness, Understanding and Strategic Implementation”.


Register here (Free):



All the best,

Arlene and David


Tech River Ltd. - BusDev & Marketing Communications
Tel: [masked][masked]
Skype: questriver; Twitter: @ArleneMarom
URLs: -


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