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New Meetup: NEW! NJ NIGHT--Superb & Small Wineries - Saslove, Margalit, Sea-horse & LTP (NK)

From: Avi A.
Sent on: Saturday, November 28, 2009, 9:44 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Israeli Wine Lovers!

What: NEW! NJ NIGHT--Superb & Small Wineries - Saslove, Margalit, Sea-horse & LTP (NK)

When: December 12,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $36.00 per person

MyHome Showroom (Paramus, NJ)
143 Route 4 West
Paramus, NJ 07652

Israeli Wine Lovers Club is expending to New Jersey !!

What can better than to start with a night full of superb Boutique wineries - each one with a different "story" and style.... Yes, due to popular demand we will taste Saslove, Margalit, Sea-horse and La Terra Promessa again !!

* Yair Margalit is the patriarch of the Boutique wineries in Israel, establishing the Margalit Winery in 1989. He and his son Asaf produce some of Israel's best-regarded Bordeaux style wines in their small winery near the town of Hadera. Yair also consults and teaches wine making
* Barry Saslove, a Canadian born Computer Engineer turned winemaker, established the Saslove Winery in 1998 at Kibbutz Eyal after spending a number of years consulting and teaching wine making. Grapes for these "New World" styled wines come from vineyards in the Upper Galil.
* Ze'ev Dunia, Sea-horse Winery's proprietor, a movie producer turned winemaker, established the Boutique winery in 1999 in Moshav (agriculture farm) Bar-Giora in the Jerusalem Hills. Ze'ev likes his wines to "be different" and has produced some outstanding, and interesting, wines.
* Sandro Pellegrini, the son of a noble Italian family, and his wife Irit established La Terra Promessa Winery in 1998 in Moshav Shachar on the fringes of the northern Negev. Grapes for his Italian-style wines come from Upper Galil and Ramat Arad (in the northern Negev).

The wines are Not-Kosher

Sit back and relax and join other wine lovers at the Israeli Wine of the Month Club?s interactive wine tasting experience.

What is interactive wine tasting?

* Eight wonderful Israeli wine will be explored. Cheese, crackers and fruit also served (we will have surprise food offering as well).
* A panel of our Sommeliers/Wine Critics will describe each wine and guide you in exercising your palate tasting them
* You will be encouraged to voice your opinion about each wine and write elaborate notes -- be Robert Parker, Tom Stevenson or Daniel Rogov for a night...
* We will collect everyone?s tasting notes and distribute them via a newsletter. The newsletter will also include professional tasting notes as well as detailed descriptions of the wineries, and more...

When? December 12, 2009 at 7PM
Where? MyHome Showroom (New Jersey)
Paramus, New Jersey
143 Route 4 West
Paramus, NJ 07652

How much? $36 at door
RSVP by December 11, 2009 (space is limited)

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