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This is Business - October 23, 20:00 - Taksim Uçanev - RSVP

From: Oguzcan U.
Sent on: Sunday, October 19, 2014, 7:15 PM

Dear All,

(Türkçe Versiyonu Aşağıda)

We are going to have a fun and educating meetup this Thursday. You have shown that you have interest in business and networking by joining this group. Now is the time to take action, and come and participate in a terrific meetup.

There will be two topics covered.

Topic #1: End of Competitive Advantage by Rita Gunther.

She basically claims that the companies can no longer rely on competitive advantages and expect that they will never change. The first chapter, which is about 15 pages is a mere summary of the book, and I am pretty sure you are going to enjoy it as well.

Topic #2: Confirmation Bias

Very common in both academy and business, this bias is seeking for confirmatory evidence and leaving the rest. There is a 2-3 page chapter on Confirmation Bias in the book ‘You are not so Smart’ by David McRaney.

Topics can be reached from here:

Important: Please RSVP from the group. The link is here

For any questions, please contact me on [masked] or [address removed]



Bu gruba katılarak iş dünyası ile ve networking ile ilgilendiğinizi belirttiniz. İşte şimdi bir adım daha atarak bu perşembe yapacağımız toplantıya katılabilirsiniz. İki konuyu tartışıyor olacağız. Makalelere adresinden ulaşabilirsiniz. İngilizceniz konusunda çekinceleriniz varsa da gelmekten çekinmeyiniz.

Önemli: Lütfen katılım durumunuzu belirtiniz. Bu adresi takip ediniz:

Her türlü sorunuz için bana [masked] veya  [address removed] üzerinden ulaşabilirsiniz.





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