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Senior Architect to lead healthcare product engineering

From: Rajiv
Sent on: Thursday, September 29, 2016, 4:14 PM

Hi Guys

Looking for a senior Architect to lead healthcare product engineering . The venture is fully funded and part of Atria Group. Send me a mail in private anyone might be interested in taking this up.

Expectations -

·         Preferably a healthcare veteran ( min 3-4 years of exp )

·         Extensive experience with product engineering

·         Been through a few rounds of an entire product development lifecycle - ideation, engineering, scaling, servicing, maintenance, etc.

·         Exposure and experience on new age technologies - big data, analytics, cloud, responsive, etc.

·         Deep understanding of architecture principles, design methods, and engineering best practices

·         Passion for technology - likes to get his/her hands dirty. Not looking for an exec!

·         Ability to understand business goals and translate them to engineering priorities and a product roadmap

·         Experience with estimation, planning, budgeting, recruitment

Salary : Best in the Industry

The position is in Bangalore

Rajiv Mukherjee
Founder & CEO, FHS Incubatehub

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